domingo, 25 de janeiro de 2009

Metal + Games = Megadriver

Após um final de semana varando a madrugada na jogatina de SNES (Super Nes) graças à um CD de emuladores para Playstation 2 na casa dos amigos, voltamos para os bons tempos dos games antigos e de gráficos "menos favorecidos". Nos intervalos para reabastecer o nosso "HP/Life" colocamos um CD com versões "Metalizadas" de músicas de games de uma banda brasileira muito conhecida entre os nerds e gamers do Brasil que é a banda MEGADRIVER.
Megadriver é uma banda brasileira dedicada a criação de versões heavy-metal dos temas dos maiores clássicos dos vídeo-games, a oficial criadora do GAME METAL.
Atendendo à pedidos de leitores e para quem gosta do estilo, seguem aí todos os CDs deles lançados até agora. Para ouvir a prévia é só clicar no ícone de som e o download é feito clicando no disquete. START!

MetalHog (2008)

(00:19) Intro (Sonic The Hedgehog)
(02:02) Greenhill Zone (Sonic The Hedgehog)
(02:10) Emerald Hill (Sonic The Hedgehog 2)
(02:45) Chemical Plant (Sonic The Hedgehog 2)
(02:00) Marble Zone (Sonic The Hedgehog)
(02:50) Flying Battery (Sonic And Knuckles)
(02:53) Casino Night (Sonic The Hedgehog 2)
(02:17) Startlight (Sonic The Hedgehog)
(02:41) Scrap Brain (Sonic The Hedgehog SMS)
(02:39) Scrap Brain (Sonic The Hedgehog)
(02:26) Metalpolis (Sonic The Hedgehog 2)
(03:47) Ice Cap (Sonic The Hedgehog 3)
(04:21) Live And Learn (Sonic Adventure)
(04:25) MetalHog (VS Robotnik) (Sonic The Hedgehog)

Clique aqui para baixar o disco todo

(02:39) Concrete Jungle (Streets Of Rage)
(03:43) Rage Street (Streets Of Rage)
(03:14) Dreamer (Streets Of Rage 2)
(02:43) Under Logic (Streets Of Rage 2)
(02:55) Syndicate Headquarters (Streets Of Rage)
(02:41) Clean Again (Streets Of Rage 3)
(00:20) Intro (The Revenge Of The Shinobi)
(00:39) Long Distance (The Revenge Of The Shinobi)
(01:04) The Shinobi (The Revenge Of The Shinobi)
(02:07) Terrible Beat (The Revenge Of The Shinobi)
(02:50) Like A Wind (The Revenge Of The Shinobi)
(01:20) China Town (The Revenge Of The Shinobi)
(01:09) My Lover (The Revenge Of The Shinobi)
(03:57) Birth Of The People (ActRaiser)
(02:49) Fillmore (ActRaiser)
(01:21) Kassandora (ActRaiser)

Clique aqui para baixar o disco todo

(03:15) Let's Rage (Top Gear)
(04:08) Mad Racer (Top Gear)
(03:07) Gear Box (Top Gear)
(03:14) Turbo Challenge (Top Gear)
(03:14) SpeedChaser (Top Gear)

Clique aqui para baixar o disco todo

(00:20) Push Start Button (The Revenge Of The Shinobi)
(01:43) Intro - Long Distance (The Revenge Of The Shinobi)
(02:11) Stage 1 - Hedgehog Metal (Sonic The Hedgehog)
(02:30) Stage 2 - Mighty Hiryu (Strider)
(02:19) Stage 3 - Hard Road (Super Hang On)
(04:24) Stage 4 - Rise From Your Grave (Altered Beast)
(00:55) Bonus Stage (Shadow Dancer)
(02:55) Stage 5 - Syndicate Headquarters (Streets Of Rage)
(02:36) Stage 6 - Battle Field (Golden Axe)
(03:34) Stage 7 - Battle Of Ravaged Village (Golden Axe 2)
(02:27) Stage 8 - The Arena (Golden Axe 2)
(05:25) Stage 9 - The Final Strike (After Burner)
(02:27) Ending (The Revenge Of The Shinobi)
(02:24) Bonus Track - Guitar Ninja (Ninja Gaiden)

Clique aqui para baixar o disco todo

(03:25) Shou Ken (Street Fighter 2)
(03:35) Raging Storm (Fatal Fury)
(02:26) Abigail's Turf (Final Fight)

Clique aqui para baixar o disco todo

(00:36) The Battle (Golden Axe)
(01:54) Wilderness (Golden Axe)
(02:30) Battle Field (Golden Axe)
(00:19) Old Map (Golden Axe)
(00:51) Thief's Theme (Golden Axe)
(01:23) Turtle Village II (Golden Axe)
(01:05) Turtle Village I (Golden Axe)
(02:14) Path Of Friend (Golden Axe)
(02:24) Dead Adder (Golden Axe)
(00:19) Conclusion (Golden Axe)
(01:13) Saturoka Sassa (Golden Axe)
(00:02) Game Over (Golden Axe)

Clique aqui para baixar o disco todo

(04:23) Rise From Your Grave (Altered Beast)
(01:16) Metal Beast (Altered Beast)
(00:42) Doom (Altered Beast)
(00:10) Intermission (Altered Beast)
(01:11) The Ruins (Altered Beast)
(01:53) Ending (Altered Beast)
(00:19) Game Over (Altered Beast)
(04:22) Levante-se De Sua Tumba (Altered Beast)

Clique aqui para baixar o disco todo

(01:50) Concrete Jungle (Streets Of Rage)
(02:02) Thrash Earthquake (Samurai Shodown)
(01:53) Speed Metal Gyruss (Gyruss)
(03:23) Wicked Child (Castlevania)
(04:24) Mad Racer (Top Gear)
(02:24) Sucessor Of Fate (Castlevania - Harmony Of Dissonance)
(02:11) Sonic Boom (Street Fighter 2)
(04:30) Path Of Friend (Golden Axe)
(02:23) Classic Fencing (Samurai Shodown)
(02:54) Round One (Street Fighter 2)
(02:59) Shou Ken (Street Fighter 2)

Clique aqui para baixar o disco todo

Espero que tenham apreciado esses verdadeiros clássicos da cultura nerd/gamer. Segue daí que eu fico por aqui. Inté!


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